

Introducing Audiofeed

Shane Thomas - March 1, 2024


A completely new way to tell your story. Turn your existing written content into audio and video.

Turn your written content into audio and video

There is a lot of written content out there, it's time to give that content new life. Audiofeed turns the written word into engaging audio and video that can be embedded on your website or distributed across the internet. This lets you focus on what you do best... writing... while ensuring that your words get to the eyes and ears of your customers.

How does it work?

Grab your existing text content

Example text content from a webpage titled Habits of Wealth

It all starts with your existing written content. This could be content from a website article, text document, or presentation. Take that content and drop it into Audiofeed to create an episode.

Let Audiofeed create your audio or video

Diagram of text flowing to Audiofeed and then into audio and video

Audiofeed will take that text and turn it into audio and video. You have control throughout the process so you can get your episode sounding and looking exactly how you want it.

Embed the player on your website

Example showing how to get the Audiofeed embed code and what it looks like on a website

If you have a website, you can embed the Audiofeed player or video directly on your website. This makes it easy for your customers to watch or listen, however, it also gives you a seamless content publishing workflow. If you ever need to edit your episode, you can make your changes in Audiofeed and they will be instantly published to anywhere the Audiofeed player has been embedded.

Distribute your content across the internet

Image showing icons of podcast networks and social media networks to use for distribution

Words are powerful, but only if they reach people. Take your newly created episodes and instantly publish them across YouTube, social media, and podcast networks.

What gets measured, gets improved

Chart showing sample analytics data for Audiofeed

What kind of impact are your words having? This is the point where you can find out. Measure your audio and video engagement so you know it's working.

What's next

Sign up for your free Audiofeed account to turn your existing content into professional audio and video. We can't wait to hear what you create!

Get started for free

Turn your text content into professional audio and video in minutes.